KuraMANGA, NO. 17: Those Doubtful Days (June)

[Ed. note: Read along from top-right to lower-left!]

※ It’s flowing!
[typing furiously]

※ Oh it’s flowing, it’s flowing…
[typing furiously]

※ It’s all f-…
[typing suddenly falters]

※ Something’s wrong!
This succckkksss!

※ Making something for so long, sometimes it blows up in your face…
When this happens, we get together to talk it through..

※ No big deal, let’s talk about it.
※ We can talk…
But I dunno…
I just don’t know…

※ Then, somehow, like always…

※ Those worries just disappear…
[typing furiously]

※ This goes on a lot in game development!
You just have to see it through!
※ Nice one!

[This diary entry was first published in our free newsletter, The Secret Onion Cellar. Want to receive development diaries just like this, along with the latest news and behind-the-scenes information on everything happening here at Onion Games? Click here to subscribe, and you’ll also get a FREE MINI GAME, music samplers, downloadable art & more!]